The Low Battery — Design Division

The Low Battery — Design Division


People & Partners
Charleston Civic Design Center


Active Projects

The Low Battery
Peninsula Urban Mobility Framework



Design Division


People & Partners
Charleston Civic Design Center


Active Projects

The Low Battery
Peninsula Urban Mobility Framework



The Low BatteryThe portion of the Battery along Murray Boulevard from White Point Garden to the US Coast Guard Station is called the “Low Battery.”  Despite being well-loved, aging infrastructure and parked automobiles are both highly visible along the waterfront; the walkway is crumbling, the streetscape is outdated and uncomfortable. The City of Charleston will undertake an extensive reconstruction project to replace and raise the seawall by 2.5 feet. This presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to a create signature public space worthy of Charleston’s character and history while also strengthening the city against regular flooding and imminent sea level rise. This site has the potential to become a linear park where residents and visitors can better experience the water’s edge.

Download the Low Battery Public Engagement Poster (PDF)
Read the ReportThe Design Division produces a report booklet for each of its main projects. The 20-page report for Low Battery can be found in the link below. It provides site observations, examples of urban waterfronts in other cities, an explanation of the seawall design problem, and four possible solutions.

Download Report
Take the Online SurveyYour input is essential to this project!Taking this 10 question survey is the easiest and most effective way to tell us what you think.It only takes a few minutes!

See also  Huger Street — Design Division

Take the Survey
Meet with UsWe will be presenting this information in various locations throughout the summer. This includes an on-site information booth and demonstration project, an open house and gallery exhibit at the Charleston Civic Design Center, and two different farmers markets. The link below provides the most up-to-date event schedule.

Event Schedule
What’s the Design Problem?The Design Division proposes to rethink the design of the overall public space. In doing so we’ve used stakeholder input and technical data to suggest four design alternatives for the Low Battery and Murray Boulevard as a complete site.  The basic design problem is one of wall composition, walkway width and dedication of space to parked automobiles along the waterfront. (All solutions propose to improve Murray Boulevard with crosswalks, planting areas, seating and street trees.) Additional project background and other information can be found here.

Design Division / 85 Calhoun St. Charleston SC 29401 / 843-958-6416. All Content Copyright 2014.

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